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Should I Do This With Tables Or Divs?

I'm going to implement this The layout is exactly like it is tables so I'm considering using tables instead of divs as recommended. What do you recommend? Could you give me a code

Solution 1:

I would do with both.

Divs has main wrappers and tables on the inside (on the lines that justify it).

For example the last two lines don't justify the use of tables

Solution 2:

People recommend div's instead of tables because the tables take time to be loaded in the page as compared to other tags(like div). The table is preferred due to their simplicity and clearness of your code.

Solution 3:

For displaying tabular data, use a table. Use divs for the overall layout.

Solution 4:

Use div and table both.

For the layout, you can use div to put the frames in where they should be. And then you can fill the frames with tables.

The reason is that: div should be used to make the position right and the table should be used to show the data.

Solution 5:

Better use and both. But trying keeping the table tags less as it make the file large hence rendering slow. on the other hand are better then tables but writing CSS is a pain at times.

Using table & div both will also save u from the pain of cross platforms UI issues.

Try to keep the outer structure as table and inner at div.

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