Highcharts Network Graph Arrow Links
I am trying to create a network graph using Highcharts as follows: However, I did not see any options to add arrows instead of line segments connecting the nodes in the Highcharts
Solution 1:
According to the comments - here is an answer on how to render the arrows at the end of the links in the networkgraph series.
Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/cnjw7v2s/
(function(H) {
H.wrap(H.seriesTypes.networkgraph.prototype.pointClass.prototype, 'getLinkPath', function(p) {
var left = this.toNode,
right = this.fromNode;
var angle = Math.atan((left.plotX - right.plotX) /
(left.plotY - right.plotY));
if (angle) {
let path = ['M', left.plotX, left.plotY, right.plotX, right.plotY],
lastPoint = left,
nextLastPoint = right,
pointRadius = 45,
arrowLength = 20,
arrowWidth = 10;
if (left.plotY < right.plotY) {
nextLastPoint.plotX - pointRadius * Math.sin(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotY - pointRadius * Math.cos(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotX - pointRadius * Math.sin(angle) - arrowLength * Math.sin(angle) - arrowWidth * Math.cos(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotY - pointRadius * Math.cos(angle) - arrowLength * Math.cos(angle) + arrowWidth * Math.sin(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotX - pointRadius * Math.sin(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotY - pointRadius * Math.cos(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotX - pointRadius * Math.sin(angle) - arrowLength * Math.sin(angle) + arrowWidth * Math.cos(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotY - pointRadius * Math.cos(angle) - arrowLength * Math.cos(angle) - arrowWidth * Math.sin(angle),
} else {
nextLastPoint.plotX + pointRadius * Math.sin(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotY + pointRadius * Math.cos(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotX + pointRadius * Math.sin(angle) + arrowLength * Math.sin(angle) - arrowWidth * Math.cos(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotY + pointRadius * Math.cos(angle) + arrowLength * Math.cos(angle) + arrowWidth * Math.sin(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotX + pointRadius * Math.sin(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotY + pointRadius * Math.cos(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotX + pointRadius * Math.sin(angle) + arrowLength * Math.sin(angle) + arrowWidth * Math.cos(angle),
nextLastPoint.plotY + pointRadius * Math.cos(angle) + arrowLength * Math.cos(angle) - arrowWidth * Math.sin(angle),
return [
['M', left.plotX || 0, left.plotY || 0],
['L', right.plotX || 0, right.plotY || 0],
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