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Move Title Attribute Value To Class Attribute Value In The Html Code

We have variable $menu with HTML inside (there is no loop, it comes from a function). On echo it gives the code like this:

Solution 2:

You can use PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser to modify your HTML:

In your case if no of li are fixed in $menu then you do something like this with Simple HTML DOM Parser:

// Include downloaded libraryinclude'simplehtmldom/simple_html_dom.php';

// Create DOM from string$html = str_get_html( $menu );

for( $i=0 ; $i<3 ; $i++ ) {

    // Get current classes of li$currentClasses = $html->find('li', $i)->class;

    // Get title of link$linkTitle = $html->find('a', $i)->title;

    // Add link title in li classes$html->find('li', $i)->class = $currentClasses . ' ' . $linkTitle ;

    // Remove title attribute from link$html->find('a', $i)->title = null;


Solution 3:

Use this regex:


And replace each match using backreferences:

\1 \3\2\4

Note that this will work for your example, but you might need to modify it and make it "smarter" if you have cases such as:

<liid="some-id >"class="many classes"><atitle="one"href="#">text</a></li>

Solution 4:

Same as with your other question. Use DOM:

$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->loadXML( $html );
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $dom );
$links = $xpath->query( '/ul/li/a[@title]' );
foreach($linksas$link ) {
    $classes  = $link->parentNode->getAttribute( 'class' );
    $classes .= ' ' . $link->getAttribute( 'title' );
    $link->parentNode->setAttribute( 'class', $classes );
    $link->removeAttribute( 'title' );
echo$dom->saveXML( $dom->documentElement );

Again, this assumes you are using valid XHTML. If not, you have to load the markup with loadHTML and change the XPath to take the added HTML skeleton into account. Be aware that this also changes what documentElement of the DOMDocument, so you have to pass the menu node to saveXML instead.

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