Get And Echo Inputs From Textarea Repeatedly March 03, 2024 Post a Comment I have a simple HTML form like this: Solution 1: If you don't want to put the values in a database you could use a sessionsession_start();at the very top of your page and <?phpif( $_SESSION['counter'] > 0 ) $_SESSION['texts'] = $_SESSION['texts'] . "<br />Question " . $_SESSION['counter'] . ": Something " . $_POST['question']; $_SESSION['counter']++; ?><?phpecho$_SESSION['texts']; // put this in a div where you want to see them ?>CopyThis will only clear when the browser is shut.This is a very crude outline but you could look at tutorials on sessions and how to use them.Baca JugaWhy Isn't This Element Rotation Working?Control Multiple Tab-contents With One Nav-tabsUpdating Database From Javascript By Calling Php ScriptYou would also need a counter at the bottom of your script to add in the number. $_SESSION['counter']++; CopyUsing hidden inputs to replace sessions without array or for loop.<?php$counter = $counter + (int) $_POST['counter']; // (int) helps sanitise this by forcing type change to integer - any text would be converted to 0//echo $counter; // for trackng$texts = $_POST['texts']; // MUST be sanitized and escaped for mysqliif($counter > 0) $texts = $texts . "<br />Question " . $counter . ": Something " . $_POST['question']; $counter++; ?><formaction="<?phpecho$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"method="post"><textareaid="question"name="question"></textarea><inputtype="hidden"name="texts"id="texts"value="<?phpecho$texts;?>" /><inputtype="hidden"name="counter"id="counter"value="<?phpecho$counter; ?>" /><inputtype="submit"/></form><?phpecho$texts; // put this in a div where you want to see them ?>CopyDo not use this code without cleaning up the post variables or you will get hacked to bits by hackers. See other posts on preg_replace() and on Share You may like these postsTextarea WhitespacesHtml5 Pattern Exclude WordsTextarea Maxlength - Supported Or Not Supported?How Does The Html5 Spellcheck Attribute Work? Post a Comment for "Get And Echo Inputs From Textarea Repeatedly"
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