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Creating A New Unique Path To Firebase Storage, Coupled With Storing It In The Database?

I have a marketplace web app, where users can upload items, and of course they can also see images associated with these items. The problem is organizing the storage buckets, I was

Solution 1:

Apologies for poorly written (and untested) JS, but would something like this work?

// create a new push ID and update the DB with some information
var currentItemRef = itemsRef.push({
    title: title,
    description: description,
    tags: tags,
    price: price,
}).then(function() {
  var storageRef =;
  // is the unique key from the DB
  return storageRef.child( + '/' + imageNames[x]).putString(images[x], 'base64');
}).then(function(snapshot) {
  // update the DB with the download URL
  return currentItemRef.update({
    url: snapshot.metadata.downloadURLs[0]
}).catch(function(error) {

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