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Converting Width From Percentage To Pixels

I have a table inside a

Solution 1:

<divid="div-1"style="width: 1000px;"><divid="div-2"style="width: 10%;"></div></div><scriptlanguage="javascript">var percents = parseInt(document.getElementById("div-2").style.width);
    var parentWidth = parseInt(document.getElementById("div-1").style.width);
    var pixels = parentWidth*(percents/100);
    alert(pixels); // will print "100"</script>

Solution 2:

Try using .outerWidth() instead of .width()

Solution 3:

This happens when you use percent + padding. Pixel is int and so it will be rounded.

In your example: 10%, 20% and 70% is the width of the container and than you need to add the padding and border.

With this decimal numbers will occur and than need to be rounded.


Your page is 900px width. Without padding, margin or border you will have widths of 630px (70%), 160px (20%), 90px (10%).

But when you add the border + padding the percents must be calculated from 900 - (3 tds * 10px padding (left and right)) - (3 tds * 2px border(left and right)) = 864px.

With 864px width you will get: 604,8px (70%), 172,8px (20%), 86,4px (10%).

And this is where the 1px difference occures.

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