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How Do I Create A Unordered List In Html With Sub Arrows?

I want to know how to accomplish something similar to this in wordpress. Any suggestions? maybe a sample code. Can you show me an example how to apply it to the sub bullets?

Solution 1:

You could use li:before{ content:"....";} to make an arrow? Like this:



ululli:before {

         content: "\2192 \0020";
ulul {
    list-style: none;

See it in function here, on this fiddle:

Solution 2:

Solution 3:

Use li:before { content: ...; }


<ul><li>Disater Assistance Center Manager
        <ulid="sub"><li>San Jaun</li></ul></li></ul>


#sub { list-style:none; }
#subli:before {
    content: "\2192 \0020";


Other special characters can be found here.

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