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Jquery Context Menu - Finding What Element Triggered It Off

I am trying to write a context menu option for a page of mine. Basically a div is right-clicked, an options menu pops up which can be used to perform tasks. My problem is trying to

Solution 1:

You could consider using the jQuery data storage methods.

In your context menu code you can put:

$('.outfeedPosition').bind("contextmenu", function (e) {
        top: e.pageY + 'px',
        left: e.pageX + 'px'

    //Store the item that was clicked 
    $("#contextMenu").data('originalElement', this);


Then when you want to reference the element that initiated the click, you can just do this:

$('#ctxDelete').click(function () {
    var originalElement = $("#contextMenu").data('originalElement');
    alert('delete was clicked by ' + );

And put originalElement in the jQuery function $() to access the jQuery goodness. It doesn't matter where you put the data, since any DOM element can have data associated to it. You can store anything - in the example code above, I store the HTMLElement raw (not jQueryified) but you can store that too if you want.

See here for a little example:

Solution 2:

I add a hidden field and then find it based on the click, like this:

<div class="myItem">

then with JQuery

$('#ctxDelete').click(function () {
    var id = $(this).closest('.myItem').find('.myID').val();   
    alert('delete was clicked, by element with ID = ' + id);

Solution 3:

I'm a little late to the party here but I found that when the context menu is generated the active item gets the 'context-menu-active' class added to it. This may only be in more recent versions. I'm using context menu 1.6.6.

Simply add:

var originalElement = $('.context-menu-active');

to the context menu handler. Here it is combined with the example code.

        selector: '.context-menu-one',
        callback: function(key, options) {
            var originalElement = $('.context-menu-active');
            var m = "clicked: " + originalElement[0].innerHTML;
            window.console && console.log(m);
        items: {
            "edit": {name: "Edit"},
            "cut": {name: "Cut"},
            "copy": {name: "Copy"},
            "paste": {name: "Paste"},
            "delete": {name: "Delete"},
            "sep1": "---------",
            "quit": {name: "Quit"}

    $('.context-menu-one').on('click', function(e){
       console.log('clicked', this);

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