Java Htmlunit Getbyfirstxpath Not Working
I am trying to load a page and click a link using HTMLUnit 2.4 in Java. I am attempting to find the calendar on a page by xPath. It is returning null. The xPath was copied direc
Solution 1:
The HtmlUnit version you are using is now 9 years old. Please try this with the latest version. Usually this kind of problems are related to different dom trees and there where many changes/fixes done by the reals browsers and also in HtmlUnit.
Next step is to dump the page from HtmlUnit (page.asXML()) and have a look if your XPath does fit.
And finally if you think the dom tree generated by HtmlUnit (latest version) differs from the one of real browsers; please open an issue and provide a simple html that shows the problem. Usually we can then fix this kind of problems fast.
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