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Page-break-inside:avoid Equivalent For Firefox And/or Ie

I understand that the CSS page-break-inside:avoid instruction is supposed to prevent a page break within a div when an HTML document is printed. Through searching the internet, I h

Solution 1:

Sorry, my answer is "not possible", although I'd love it if anyone can prove me wrong.

I've ran into the same problem lately, and after doing a little bit of research I decided to just go with

page-break-after: always;

after every several number of elements.

Solution 2:

Try using white-space:nowrap instead. This should stop text from breaking inside the element, at least while on screen. I'm not sure how it translates to print media, but it's worth a try.

More info:

Solution 3:

For anything which is not firefox,

.dontsplit { border: 2px solid black; page-break-inside: avoid; }

will work. But not for firefox. In firefox, what you are going to have to do is check for the height and then add page-break-after: always; when it is relevant.

On average, the margin will be 1 inch on top and bottom. So, to measure how many pixels a 10 inch page would consume, I used this:

var pageOfPixels;
    var d = document.createElement("div");
    d.setAttribute("style", "height:9in;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;z-index:-5;");
    pageOfPixels = $(d).height();

I had a lot of divs each with a lot of paragraphs in them. So what I did was I iterated through them, and then compared the current height of the them on the current page to the pageOfPixels value.

var currentPosition = 0;
$('.printDiv').each(function (index, element) {
    var h = $(this).height();
    if (currentPosition + h > pageOfPixels) {
        //add page break
        $('.printDiv').eq(index - 1).css("page-break-after", "always");
        currentPosition = h;
    } else {
        currentPosition += h;

This worked for me in firefox.

Solution 4:

How about just matching all element inside your element, except the first ones, and have them not break-before

#yourelement *+*{
    page-break-before: avoid;

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