Upload Pdf In Html And Deserialize Json File October 24, 2023 Post a Comment I'm trying to upload a file in html and then send it to my database via restangular. My frontend is a combination of angular with typescript but the upload is a form. Solution 1: I've worked out the file upload.First of all I split the file upload from the rest of my data so I won't have to rewrite the automatic deserialization for everything that does work.this.restService.save(this.metadata.apiDomain, item).then((addedItem: any) => { toastr.success(`${addedItem.naam} successfully created.`, `Overzicht Dossiers Created`); console.log("created item ", addedItem); var fd = newFormData(); fd.append("rapport", item["rapport"]); this.restService.one('dossiers/' + addedItem.id + '/rapport').withHttpConfig({transformRequest: angular.identity}).customPOST(fd, '', undefined, {'Content-Type': undefined}).then( (addedDossier: any) => { console.log("posted dossier ", addedDossier); } ); }); CopyIn the callback of my normal save I do the custom post to dossiers/{id}/rapport for this I need a custom controller. @BasePathAwareController@RequestMapping("/dossiers/{id}") @ExposesResourceFor(Dossier.class) public class DossierController { CopyThe BasePathAwawareController makes sure that all automatically generated paths that you don't override keep existing.Baca JugaWhy Isn't This Element Rotation Working?Control Multiple Tab-contents With One Nav-tabsHtml Data Not Display Correct In Webview Gettinng From Json Webservice In Android?@Autowiredprivate DossierRepository dossierRepository; CopyWith this I inject my repository to connect to my database.@RequestMapping(path = "/rapport", method = RequestMethod.POST)//,headers = "content-type=multipart/form-data") public@ResponseBody String postRapport(@PathVariable("id")Long id,@RequestParam("rapport") MultipartFile file) { String name = "rapport"; System.out.println("Entered custom file upload with id " + id); if (!file.isEmpty()) { try { byte[] bytes = file.getBytes(); Dossier dossier = dossierRepository.findOne(id); dossier.setRapport(bytes); dossierRepository.save(dossier); return"You successfully uploaded " + name + " into " + name + "-uploaded !"; } catch (Exception e) { return"You failed to upload " + name + " => " + e.getMessage(); } } else { return"You failed to upload " + name + " because the file was empty."; } } CopyLike this I'm able to successfully upload my file. Share Post a Comment for "Upload Pdf In Html And Deserialize Json File"
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