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Delphi 7 Hex To Data Uri

I'm trying to convert a Delphi-7 ui to a webinterface. Delphi stores button icons in the property Glyph.Data as a hexadecimal string. For example: object Btn1: TSpeedButton

Solution 1:

Perform the following to extract a Windows bitmap from this Delphi form file:

  1. Read the hex string.
  2. Convert the hex string to binary (a byte array). If using Delphi you can do this with HexToBin from the Classes unit. If using some other language then you will have to use the appropriate function to convert from hex to binary.
  3. Remove the first 4 bytes from the byte array. These bytes that are removed contain the length of the remaining bytes.
  4. Save these bytes to a file.

What you have saved is a Windows bitmap file. You'll likely want to convert to a web friendly format such as PNG, but I presume you already have tools to do that.

Finally, you'll need to encode that PNG file as base64 and thus form a data URI. Again, I am presuming that you know how to do that.

In the example you present you can also see the NumGlyphs property indicates that the glyph contains two images. You might want to split the extracted bitmap into multiple images.

Solution 2:

Excuse me in advance for my very bad english.

There are two options.

1) working with a file text without blank spaces use a algorithm/function that use readln. I post this approch below

2) I have realized some functions that work perfectly

function HexaBmp(const aSource, aDest: String): Integer; // done function BmpHexa(const aSource, aDest: String): Integer; // work done function Bin2Bin(const aSource, aDest: String): Integer; // work done (binary in binary text) function Txt2Bin(const aSource, aDest: String): Integer; // (binary text in binary) working in progress...

This functions uses this subfunctions...

procedure Reading; begin BlockRead(F1, PFBuf^, SIZEFB, BytesIng) end;

procedure Writing; begin BlockWrite(F2, BLWR, Z, BytesOut) end;

but for copyright reasons don't post this (i dont'understend if i'll be owner of these) Sorry for this... I can't explain more. It's more plus complicated. a sofisticate and robust algorithm is necessary but is very fast.

But don't worry because you can use this my little program below for the scope that use the first approach.

program HexaToBmp;


  SysUtils, Windows;

  CHX: array ['0'..'F'] of Byte = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15);

  FtoW: TextFile;
  FtoR: TextFile;
  WFile: String;     // name of write file
  Buff: String;      // string buffer of read file
  vS: String;        // calc string
  FNY: Word;         // final Y
  M: Word;           // prior of Y
  Y: Word;           // in loop while read index

  procedure TextSeek(var aFtx: Text; POS: Cardinal);
    with TTextRec(aFtx) do
      BufPos:= 0;
      BufEnd:= 0;
      SetFilePointer(Handle, POS, nil, FILE_BEGIN)

  WFile:= StringReplace(ParamStr(1), ExtractFileExt(ParamStr(1)), 'WF', []) + '.bmp';
  AssignFile(FtoR, ParamStr(1));
  AssignFile(FtoW, WFile);
  vS:= '';

    TextSeek(FtoR, 8);            // position after the first 8 byte

    while not EOF(FtoR) do
      Readln(FtoR, Buff);
      FNY:= Length(Buff) + 1;
      M:= 1;
      Y:= 2;

      while Y < FNY do
        if Buff[Y] = #$A then   // new line jump
          Write(FtoW, vS);      // writing current line
          vS:= '';
          Y:= Y + 1// jump correct index
          vS:= vS + Chr(16 * CHX[Buff[M]] + CHX[Buff[Y]]);   // calc bin value

        M:= Y + 1;             // increment the variable values
        Y:= M + 1

    Write(FtoW, vS)


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