Content "jumps" Vertically On Chrome Ios With Viewport Sizing When Address Bar Is Hidden/displayed
Im' having different sections on my website and I want some of them to take the full viewport height. So I size with height: 100vh; On Chrome iOS, this results in the content slig
Solution 1:
Hey I ran across this same problem. While this doesn't solve the annoyingness of the CSS Viewport Height resizing issue in mobile chrome it does seem to be a viable workaround.
Just change "jumbotron" below to whatever your css selector is for the element/elements you want full height.
.jumbotron {
height: 100vh;
functioncalcVH() {
$('.jumbotron').innerHeight( $(this).innerHeight() );
(function($) {
$(window).on('resize orientationchange', function() {
What it does is it sets an height of the section when the page loads to the viewport height. Seems to work although I wish this could be done without javascript.
Update: Here's my complete answer
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