Update Data In A Table With Jquery And Ajax
I am trying to update a table according to ajax respond. My update should be insert as the first row inside in my table. With my coding this is happening in my table
Solution 1:
$('#manage_user table > tbody:last').find('tr:first').before(data);
Try this. check my fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/W4gYY/3/
If you declared thead then you can use tbody:first
and working fine. You do not mention thead
that is way html treated as default tbody
If your html look like below :
<divid="manage_user"><table><thead><tr><th><inputtype='checkbox'class='selectAll'name='selectAll'value='' /> Name</th><th>Address</th><th>City</th><th>Edit</th><th>Delete</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td><inputtype='checkbox'name=''value=''class='' /> sdfsdfs</td><td>dsfs</td><td>dsfdsf</td><td><spanclass='edit_ico'></span></td><td><spanclass='delete_ico'></span></td></tr><tr><td><inputtype='checkbox'name=''value=''class='' /> aaaaaaa</td><td>dfsdf</td><td>dsfsf</td><td><spanclass='edit_ico'></span></td><td><spanclass='delete_ico'></span></td></tr></tbody></table></div>
then you can use
$('#manage_user table > tbody:first').find('tr:first').before(data);
otherwise without thead
in html you have to do following code
$('#manage_user table > tbody:last').find('tr:first').before(data);
Solution 2:
use html
instead of append
success: function(data) {
$('#manage_user table > tbody:first').html(data);
Solution 3:
It is because your appending the data, you should use .html(data) then it will be replaced by your new data
Solution 4:
here the solution for you
$('#manage_user table > tbody:first').append(data);
$('#manage_user table > tbody').prepend(data);
You need to use prepend at the place of append
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