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Thymeleaf Automatic Form Generation

I'd like to create form in specific way. The form should be able to render itself based on received data, should be used like that:

Solution 1:

Nope there is no such way in pure thymeleaf which you can do this.

But you have an option to do something like this using fragments.

  1. Create a th:fragment which takes the parameters formDef and formData
  2. In the fragment, create a loop and geenrate the form as you want dynamically
  3. Call the fragment using th:include with the real parameters in the places where you need the form to get generated.

Solution 2:

Use Apache Freemaker to create templates in Netbeans IDE. Using this templates, auto-generate your forms from your Entities. This allows you to apply the principle of DRY.....Dont Repeat Yourself in your SDLC.

For more infor, watch the below clip on how they have applied the principle:

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