How To Select Own Text Of The Element Using JQuery
I have the following html:
- Tex
Solution 1:
$.fn.ownText = function() {
return this.eq(0).contents().filter(function() {
return this.nodeType === 3 // && $.trim(this.nodeValue).length;
}).map(function() {
return this.nodeValue;
var text = $('#t2').ownText();
A slightly faster alternative:
$.fn.ownText = function() {
var children = this.get(0).childNodes,
l = children.length,
a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (children[i].nodeType === 3)
return a.join('');
Or a different method that accepts a glue for joining the node's values and an option for trimming the result:
$.fn.ownText = function(o) {
var opt = $.extend({ glue: "", trim: false }, o),
children = this.get(0).childNodes,
l = children.length,
a = [];
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (children[i].nodeType === 3) {
var val = children[i].nodeValue;
a.push(opt.trim ? $.trim(val) : val);
return a.join(opt.glue);
glue: ',',
trim: true
Solution 2:
function getText(el) {
return $(el).contents().map(function () {
return this.nodeType == 3 && $.trim(this.nodeValue) ? $.trim(this.nodeValue) : undefined;
$('div *').each(function () {
console.log(, getText(this))
Demo: Fiddle
Solution 3:
Better way to do it is :
Demo here :
This is not optimized version but you can optimize it :-) Thank you!
Solution 4:
try this
var n = new Array();
$("div div, li").each(function () {
n[$(this).attr('id')] = $(this).text()
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