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GET Multiple Values From URL And Have Them In One String

I have created a simple cms for myself where i can post articles and have them have multiple categories. so i.e. Article 1 has categories: Music and Technology and Article 2 has ca

Solution 1:

I suspect you would want to do something along the lines of:

<form action="categories.php" method="GET">
    <legend>Filter Categories</legend>
      <label><input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" value="music"/> Music</label>
      <label><input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" value="technology"/> Technology</label>
      <label><input type="checkbox" name="categories[]" value="film"/> Film</label>
  <button type="submit">Filter</button>
  <button type="reset">Reset</button>

When submitted, this will give you a URL such as the following:[]=music&categories[]=technology

Then, in the script that displays the matching entries having one of these categories, you could do the following with the WHERE clause:

$get_categories = $_GET['categories'];
$cat_clauses = array();

while ($category = array_shift($get_categories)) {
    // Clean it
    $category = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9-_]/i', '', $category);

    if ($category) {
        array_push($cat_clauses, "OR category LIKE '%$category%'");

if ($cat_clauses) {
    $cat_where = "AND (" . implode(' ', $cat_clauses) . ")";

Which might give you something like:

FROM blog
WHERE active = 1
AND (category LIKE '%technology%' OR category LIKE '%music%')

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