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Jquery - Create Multiple DOM Elements Inside A Programmatically Created Parent Element

I'm creating a data-driven list with jquery. I can't figure out how to add multiple children to a parent element using jQuery's method for creating HTML elements. What am I missing

Solution 1:

I'm a big fan of avoiding putting HTML into my JavaScript. If I'm changing layout, I want to work with HTML and CSS, not javascript.

Make a template in your HTML, clone it, populate the clone and append it. We'll also use a doumentFragment so we don't repeatly update the DOM causing redraws.

var listItems = [{id: 1, title: "Main"}, {id:101, title: "Yellow Submarine"}];

function generateList(items, listElement) {
  //Set Up Template
  var s = $("#listItem")[0].innerHTML.trim(); 
  var holder = document.createElement('div');
  holder.innerHTML = s;
  var template = holder.childNodes;

  //Create doucument fragment 
  var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
  //iterate the items
    //Clone the template
    var newItem = $(template).clone();    
    //UPdate the data 
      .replace(/{{title}}/g, item.title));
    //Append to the fragment
  }) ;

  //Append the fragment to the list

generateList(listItems, $(".list-10"));
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<ul class="list-10" style="">    

<template id="listItem">
    <li data-info="line91" name="documentationmenunull">
          <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdownArrow" data-target="documentationmenu{{id}}"><i class="fa fa-minus-square-o"></i></a> 
          <a href="#" class="editItem" data-target="documentation_{{id}}" data-type="Documentation" id="adocumentationmenu{{id}}">{{title}}</a> 
          <a href="#deleteModal"><span class="fa fa-trash-o deleteMenuItem" rel="tooltip" title="" data-original-title="Delete"></span></a>

Solution 2:

In the end @Taplar had the suggestion for the appropriate solution. I had hoped to find a solution that worked with the code I shared originally which documentation can be found here: Unfortunately it appears to be a code style that hasn't drawn the right person's attention or it's not widely liked. Here's a quick rundown of what I went with using a template literal.

<div id="documentationMenuList"></div>

function buildMenu(menu_items, name){
    var $ul = $('<ul class="list-10"></ul>');

    $.each(menu_items, function (key, value) {
        createCollapsableList(value, $ul, name);


function createCollapsableList(item, $collapsableList, name) {
    if (item) {     
        if (item.title) {
            `<li name="${name}Menu${item.parent_id ? item.parent_id : 0}">
                <table width="100%">
                                <a href="#" data-toggle="dropdownArrow" data-target="${name}Menu${}"><i class="fa fa-minus-square-o"></i></a> 
                                <a href="#" class="editItem" data-target="${name}_${}" data-type="${name}" id="${name}Menu${}">${item.title}</a> 
                                <a href="#deleteModal"><span class="fa fa-trash-o deleteMenuItem" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Delete"></span></a>
        if (item.children) {
            var $sublist = $('<ul class="list-10"></ul>');
            $.each(item.children, function (key, value) {
                createCollapsableList(value, $sublist);
    buildMenu(menu_items, 'documentation');

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