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JTidy Can't Handle HTML Tags Inside Script Element

(This is a followup to a problem I had a few days ago, where JTidy was reporting 3 errors inside a 300k HTML document, but not reporting where. After some grinding on the problem,

Solution 1:

This is indeed a bug in JTidy. Sadly, I had already fixed it (and other problems) but didn't end up making a new release, because I didn't have time to work on JTidy anymore.

The code is available in subversion, if you check out the latest revision from trunk and build it, your program should work.

I also made a branch called CodeUpdateAndJava5, in which I brought the code much closer to the behavior of the tidy tool (before they started working on the html5 version) and started adding more modern java features. That code would work too; I didn't publish any release based on it though.

Depending on what you need, the jsoup library might work better for you, and it's being maintained and updated.

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