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How To Make Expandable Div With Min-height

If I have a div with height:100% & width:100%, it's background color will be up to the browser's height and width primarily. But if the content inside that div grows dynamicall

Solution 1:

I still don't know what you are actually trying to achieve. Going by your fiddle sample, it would have been much easier to just use a solid border around the inner diver to get a red surrounding (instead of another div with background color and padding). But if you just don't want that the text oveflows the div, you have to allow the div to resize:


I think see your problem now. What you are trying to do is not possible the way you are trying to do it. You are falling for a fundamental misconception of the CSS Box Model. The min-height of a box always refers to the height of its parent. If the height of the parent is not set, the height is auto by default, which means the height is calculated by the browser to be as big as necessary for the content of the box to fit. It is also calculated that way if you set a min-height!

Assume you give body a height of 100%, the body is as high as your browser window. If give your outer div a min-height of 100%, it will also be as high as your browser window, but since you set no height (setting min-height does NOT affect the height property!), the height of this box is auto. So in fact, the real height (CSS standard calls this the "tentative height") is only as big as the content of your outer div (not necessarily 100%), yet since min-height says it must be 100% it will render with a height of 100%, regardless what its real height is. If you now set min-height of your inner div to 100%, those 100% mean "100% of the height of my parent box height" and the parent box height is auto, it is NOT 100%! That's why the inner div does not fill the whole screen then.

Of course you can give your outer div a height of 100%, in that case setting the min-height of your inner div to 100% will make it fill the whole screen, but now the outer div is really just 100% in height, it will not expand beyond 100% (it has a FIXED HEIGHT), not even if the inner div is bigger than that, that's why red color will not expand beyond the screen height, even if the yellow color goes beyond the screen height.

Either your outer div has a fixed height, in which case the height will be fixed (that's the whole point of a fixed height, isn't it?) or it has a flexible height, but if it has a flexible height, it will never be "higher" than required for its content (the inner div) and thus using 100% at the inner div, whether you set min-height or height doesn't matter, always refers to 100% of the outer div height and that one will be as big as required for the inner div. I hope you were able to understand what I'm saying here.

You can surely get outer div to behave the way you want (always fill at least 100% of the screen, but expand beyond that if the content requires it) by just setting it's min-height to 100%, since here min-height will refer to the body height and your body has a fixed height, but the inner div will never behave that way. Well, it can behave that way, if your outer div has a fixed width, but then the outer div will not expand, not even if the inner div would require it, instead the inner div will overflow beyond the bounds of the outer one.

I'm pretty sure it is no problem to some create a web page that will look exactly the way you want it to look, but the problem is, we (or I) don't know what it is supposed to look. I doubt you want an ugly yellow page with a red and blue border around it, do you? Yet so far this is the only page we have seen from you. I don't know what kind of color effect you are trying to achieve, whether you are using images (or if you should be using images) or how the page will really look like in the end.

Solution 2:

I can't understand your question very clearly, I think you should set a correct overflow property to your div,

try giving it overflow: auto; or any other suitable one

The CSS Overflow Property

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