Excel-VBA: Buttons And Drop-down Lists Before Scraping Data On .aspx Web Pages
Solution 1:
__doPostBack and onclick event:
When you inspect the HTML associated with selecting Main Content div bar e.g. Long Terme
, you can see that there is a java script __doPostBack
function associated with the onclick
event for the individual bar items.
Observe the HTML in question:
To quote from my link above:
The function takes the following two arguments:
eventTarget - This contains the ID of the control that caused the post back. eventArgument - This contains any additional data associated with the control.
In any ASP.NET page the two hidden fields: __EVENTTARGET and __EVENTARGUMENT are automatically declared. When a page is posted back to the server ASP.NET inspects __EVENTTARGET and __EVENTARGUMENT values and this way it can decide which of the controls caused the page to be posted back and what is the event that has to be handled.
In the "olden" days of ASP
there often had to be a form to capture user inputs and then further pages created to accept those inputs (GET
), validate, perform actions and the like. With ASP.NET
you can declare controls on the server which accept the above arguments and post back to the same page after inspecting the values of
The first argument tells you which control was fired and the second argument provides additional information, which in this case determines what tab information is returned.
We can see from the above that TabAction
is the control and that the number following it corresponds to the tab of interest e.g. 2 for Long Terme (as 0 - indexed).
In VBA we can execute this JS function in a number of ways but I will use:
.document.parentWindow.execScript "__doPostBack('EVENTTARGET', 'EVENTARGUMENT')"
This becomes:
.document.parentWindow.execScript "__doPostBack('TabAction', '2')"
Which I re-write to accept the EVENTARGUMENT as a constant, OPTION_CHOSEN
, so different tabs can be retrieved by changing the its value at the top.
After executing the function a little time is left to refresh the page and then the table is grabbed by its id
Set hTable = .document.getElementById("ctl00_ctl00_MainContent_Layout_1MainContent_gridResult")
Then the table is looped along its rows and columns (columns being the table cells along the length of each row).
Examples from page:
Examples from code output:
Full code:
Option Explicit
Public Sub GetTable()
Dim IE As New InternetExplorer
Const OPTION_CHOSEN As Long = 2 '0 Aperçu; 1 Court terme; 2 Long terme; 3 Portefeuille; 4 Frais & Détails
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
With IE
.Visible = True
.navigate "http://www.morningstar.fr/fr/fundquickrank/default.aspx"
While .readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
.document.parentWindow.execScript "__doPostBack('TabAction', ' " & OPTION_CHOSEN & "')"
Do While .Busy = True Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
Dim hTable As HTMLTable, tRow As HTMLTableRow, tCell As HTMLTableCell
Set hTable = .document.getElementById("ctl00_ctl00_MainContent_Layout_1MainContent_gridResult")
Dim c As Long, r As Long
With ActiveSheet
For Each tRow In hTable.Rows
For Each tCell In tRow.Cells
c = c + 1: .Cells(r + 1, c) = tCell.innerText
Next tCell
c = 0: r = r + 1
Next tRow
End With
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
References (VBE > Tools > References):
- Microsoft Internet Controls
Solution 2:
Sub Get_Info()
Dim Elems, e As Variant
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = Nothing
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With ie
.Visible = True
.Navigate "http://www.morningstar.fr/fr/fundquickrank/default.aspx"
While Not .readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
End With
With ie.Document
Set Elems = .getElementsByTagName("span")
For Each e In Elems
If e.getAttribute("onclick") = "__doPostBack('TabAction', '2')" Then
'try to insert your table export code here
Exit For
End If
Next e
End With
Set Elems = Nothing
Set e = Nothing
'ie.Quit Quit Internet Explorer once the exporting is done
Set ie = Nothing
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
The code above navigates directly to the tab you want. Try to combine it with your code to export the table and maybe it will work. ie.Visible=True just to make sure you navigate to the right URL, but make it false once you see it works. Hope it helps!
Solution 3:
If you wish to get the tabular data from that target page using IE then this is one such way to achieve that.
Sub Fetch_Data()
Dim IE As New InternetExplorer, html As HTMLDocument
Dim posts As Object, post As Object, elem As Object, trow As Object
With IE
.Visible = True
.navigate "http://www.morningstar.fr/fr/fundquickrank/default.aspx"
While .readyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
Set html = .document
End With
For Each post In html.getElementsByClassName("ms_tab_inactivetext")
If InStr(post.innerText, "Long terme") > 0 Then post.ParentNode.Click: Exit For
Next post
Do While IE.Busy = True Or IE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop
Set posts = html.getElementById("ctl00_ctl00_MainContent_Layout_1MainContent_gridResult")
For Each elem In posts.Rows
For Each trow In elem.Cells
c = c + 1: Cells(r + 1, c) = trow.innerText
Next trow
c = 0: r = r + 1
Next elem
End Sub
Reference to add to the library:
1. Microsoft HTML Object Library
2. Microsoft Internet Controls
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