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Does Body.onload Wait For IFrames?

I know that onload event waits for page resources to load before firing - images, stylesheets, etc. But does this include IFrames inside the page? In other words, is it guaranteed

Solution 1:

No, it doesn't. If you want to do something like that, you'll need to add an onload handler for the iframe. You can do this nicely with jQuery:

  <iframe src=""></iframe>
    var count = $('iframe').length;
    $(function() {
      // alert('loaded'); // will show you when the regular body loads
      $('iframe').load(function() {
        if (count == 0)
            alert('all frames loaded');

This would alert when all the frames are loaded.

See the example:

Solution 2:

Or plain javascript should work..

function checkIframes() {
   if(!i) { i = 0; }
   if(document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[i]) {
      document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[i].onload = function () { i++; checkIframes(); }
   else { yourFunctionInHere(); }

haven't really tested this, but should work... than refer to it with document.onload = function() { checkIframes(); }

I don't really like libraries like jQuery, because so far I found I can achieve more with less code, with regular javascript.

Solution 3:

As I see on my pages, each iframe got independent onload, and top-frame onload doesn't wait for iframes to fire.

I got gif/png banners on my site that sometimes loads very slowly, so I put them into iframe and that made whole site and onload event to work faster.

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