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Cakephp Override HtmlHelper::link

I want to setup HtmlHelper::link() method so the default options array have escape = false. How can I achieve this without changing the core class? OBS: I already sanitized form in

Solution 1:

Cake 2.1.5

I just implemented this and I wanted to point out a few things:

Your custom html helper should extend HTML helper (and don't forget to include the HTML helper class)

App::uses('HtmlHelper', 'View/Helper');
class CustomHtmlHelper extends HtmlHelper {
   //yadda yadda

Additionally, your call in AppController should not include the word Helper:

'Html'=> array('className' =>'CustomHtml'),

Solution 2:

In Cake 2.0

Create your OwnHelper class containing a link method, which extends HtmlHelper, in AppController specify:

$helpers = array('Html' => array('className' => 'OwnHelper'));

via ADmad

Solution 3:

Why don't you create your own custom helper and create a method that returns the HTMLHelper's link with the options set?

class MyHelper extends AppHelper {
  var $helpers = array('html');

  function linkNoEscape($title, $url)
    $options = array(); //set custom options, e.g. no escape 

    return $this->Html->link($title, $url, $options);

Solution 4:

I'm never comfortable overriding methods higher up in the hierarchy (ie in AppHelper) because there is always a good chance you break other helpers that are dependent.

Hoping to be able to comment soon, instead of giving rubbish half answers!

Also relevant: I heard that CakePHP 2.0 will allow helpers, components etc to be aliased. Eg you want to change the output from HtmlHelper, you can replace it with your own version without changing all your view templates.

Solution 5:

You could copy the original HTMLHelper from cake/libs/view/helpers to app/views/helpers and modify the link() method there.

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