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PHP Split Html String Into Array

I hope I can get some help from you guys. This is what I'm struggling with, I have a string of HTML that will look like this:

Some title here

Lorem ip

Solution 1:

I was able to do what I wanted following the example that Derek S gave me.

This was the result:

$html_string = 'HTML string';
$dom = new DOMDocument();

foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('h4') as $node) {
   $title = $dom->saveHTML($node);
   $content[$title] = array();

   while(($node = $node->nextSibling) && $node->nodeName !== 'h4') {
      $content[$title] = $dom->saveHTML($node);

This will save the titles inside $title and the correspondent content inside $content[$title].

Solution 2:

You could try something like:

preg_split("/<h4>.+</h4>/i", $html);

Solution 3:

This should do what you want -- though I'm sure there are other (and possibly better) ways

$aHTML = explode("<h4>", $cHTML);
foreach ($aHTML AS $nPos => $cPanel) {
  if ($nPos > 0) {
    $aPanel = explode("</h4>", $cPanel);
    $cHeader = "<h4>" . $aPanel[0] . "</h4>";
    $cPanelContent = $aPanel[1];

It doesn't put it in the array format you stipulated -- though you could do that yourself inside the loop. Otherwise your content could be output/constructed inside the loop.

Edit: Added the h4 and /h4 back in for completeness

Solution 4:

You can use the same code with little small changes, And it will apply to all kinds of HTML not normal ones.

        $html_string = 'HTML string';
        $dom = new DOMDocument();

        $content = [];
        $value = '';

        foreach($dom->getElementsByTagName('h4') as $node) {
           $title = $dom->saveHTML($node);
           $content[$k]['key'] = $title;

           while(($node = $node->nextSibling) && $node->nodeName !== 'h4') {
              $value .= $dom->saveHTML($node);

           $content[$k]['value'] = $value;
        echo '<pre>';

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