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How To Adjust Mat-select Height To Fit Its Items?

In Angular material, I need to increase the height, start and end position of a mat-select dynamically based on list of items. For example, list of options may range from none to 1

Solution 1:

you can use the event (openedChange) to change the heigth of the select-panel using Renderer2

Thats, in .html

<mat-select #select (openedChange)="changeHeight($event,select)">

In your .ts, first inject in constructor Renderer2

constructor(private renderer:Renderer2){}

And your function changeHeight

    if (event)
      //get the height of the "screen"
      const height = window.innerHeight|| 
      //the max-height will be the height of the screen - the position of pannel
      // - 10 px (you can change this last one)

You can see in this stackblitz

You can also make a directive

  selector: "[autosize]"
export class AutosizeDirective {
  @HostListener("openedChange", ["$event"])
  changeHeight(event: any) {
    if (event) {
      const height =
        window.innerHeight ||
        document.documentElement.clientHeight ||
         (height -10 +"px");
  constructor(@Host() private select: MatSelect, private renderer: Renderer2) {}

And use like

<mat-select autosize>
    <mat-option *ngFor="let food of foods" [value]="food.value">

See another stackblitz

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