Fixed Layout + Wide Content = Tables?
I have a webpage which has fixed width layout. It used tables before and I re-created it using divs. In general I am happy with it (footer sticks to the bottom nicely now). But th
Solution 1:
A no-brainer (sp?) would be to use CSS2 display: table;
along with table-cell
and maybe table-row
values (IE8+).
If your header and footer aren't visually wide enough when the content is very wide, here are some options:
- see the technique called faux-columns and apply it to create faux-rows (sorry for the neo-neologism :) ).
As your content can be of any height (contrary to fixed width with faux-column), you'll have to apply multi-backgrounds: one positioned asleft top
for header, another positioned asleft bottom
for footer. - CSS3
will resize to the desired width a background-image. IE9+ according to the great site that is more than two thirds of the browsers out there (except if your users use a lot old IEs like in an administration or a huge company). See SO polyfill background-size for IE8-
EDIT: forgot about CSS3 layout options.
Instead of display: table;
, you can also consider CSS3 options:
- Flexible Box Layout Module (should work for 50-60% of your users because it's IE10+, polyfills exist)
- Multiple column layout (same as for flexbox: IE10+, polyfills exist)
- too soon for Grid Layout (works on a single browser for now: IE10)
Solution 2:
I haven't tested this in IE6 or 7, but it might be moving in the right direction...
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