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Sort Table Rows According To Table Data

For example, I have a code:
name price

Solution 1:

Instead of

return 1 * $(a).find('.sort').text() < 1 * $(b).find('.sort').text() ? 1 : 0;


return 1 * $(a).find('.sort').text() < 1 * $(b).find('.price').text() ? 0 : 1;

Solution 2:

You have number of plugins to sort it why are you reinventing the wheel. Here is one such plugin


<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery-latest.js"></script> 
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script> 


Solution 3:

Have a look at Sorting - we're doing it wrong. A simple jQuery plugin for sorting stuff is available here.

some notes on your code:

// you're binding a document ready event within a function call? 
// looks the wrong way 'round, to me
function sortTheTable(){
    $(function() {
        // 1) you probably want to use .detach() over .remove()
        // 2) "tr:has(.price)" will match ALL table rows 
        // containing an element with the class .price
        // even if they're children of different <table>s!
        // 3) $('.selector') is already "an array", at least it's sortable right away.
        // there's no need for $.makeArray() here
        var elems = $.makeArray($('tr:has(.price)').remove())
        // "#information" is a sufficient (and more efficient) selector, 

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