How To Use CSS3 Transition To Customize Page Scrolling
I'm looking for a way to use CSS3 Transition to create a smooth page scrolling. I know how to do it using javascript but if there's a way to do it with CSS3, i will prefer it for p
Solution 1:
You cannot control the scroll behavior with css. CSS3 transitions enable you to specify the way an element will go from an state to another, scrolling is a browser function not accessible to CSS.
Solution 2:
You can use transform: translate(x,y)
to simulate "scrolling", and this can be animated using transitions via transition-property: all
; Note, you will have to add the appropriate vendor prefix, as with much of CSS3 at the moment.
References: Mozilla Dev Center: transform, Mozilla Dev Center: CSS Transitions
P.S. use percentages carefully with transform: translate()
-- depending on how your element is wrapped, -100% can mean next 'display-height' section of content
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