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HTML Page Printing Incorrectly

I am printing a javascript calendar in the middle of this page, for some reason when I run this code the Address block prints above the table where the calendar prints. I need the

Solution 1:

Looks like you didn't close the table tag, put this below the </script> line: </table>

Solution 2:

Just adding address to div tag. Like this.

  <div id="head">
      <img style="float: right; border: 1px solid orange" src="photo.jpg" alt="" />
      <img src="ccc.jpg" alt="Chamberlain Civic Center" />

  <div id="links">
     <td><a href="#">Home</a></td><td><a href="#">Tickets</a></td>
     <td><a href="#">Events</a></td><td><a href="#">Directions</a></td>
     <td><a href="#">Hours</a></td><td><a href="#">Calendar</a></td>
     <td><a href="#">Tour</a></td><td><a href="#">Contact Us</a></td>

  <div id="main">
   <h1>Yearly Calendar</h1>
        <table id='yearly_table'><tr>
        <th id='yearly_title' colspan='4'>

   <script type="text/javascript">

  The Chamberlain Civic Center &nbsp;&#183;&nbsp;
  2011 Canyon Drive &nbsp;&#183;&nbsp;
  Chamberlain, SD 57325 &nbsp;&#183;&nbsp;
  (800) 555-8741


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