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HTMLAgilityPack Expression Cannot Contain Lambda Expressions

I want the InnerText of the div called album_notes. As I did in many other places, my code is the following: public void Album_Notes(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument bandHTML) {

Solution 1:

The Expression cannot contain lambda expressions message doesn't come from the HTMLAgilityPack but from the QuickWatch feature. Basically, a lambda expression is just a syntaxic sugar: upon compilation the lambda is converted to a 'real' function. Since it's something happening during compilation, you can't create a brand new lambda at runtime (that is, in the QuickWatch window).

Now the question is: why is lblNotes.Text empty? Unfortunately, I can't know without seeing the HTML code. Though, if there's no error, it means that the "album_notes" div has been found (otherwise you would have a null reference exception). Therefore, the InnerHtml property is probably empty.

You can check that by rewriting your code a bit:

public void Album_Notes(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument bandHTML)
    var div = bandHTML.DocumentNode.Descendants("div").First(x => x.Id == "album_notes");
    this.lblNotes.Text = div.InnerHtml;

This way, if you put a breakpoint on the last line, you can check the value of div and div.InnerHtml in the quickwatch window.

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