Best Way To Access External JavaScript File And Place Contents In Div?
Solution 1:
Looks like you want to execute getInfo()
as soon as it's defined (i.e.: example.js
is loaded).
You can try this approach:
<script src="example.js" onload="getInfo();"></script>
In your example.js, change getInfo()
to something like this:
function getInfo() {
$(document).ready(function() {
var place = "foo"
Solution 2:
Your language is confusing, but you could use jQuery's $(document).ready function which would suffice. Generally speaking, an externally loaded file should execute where the tag is in the script.
A hack could be to place a tag before the end of your document body, give it an id, and then use $('#id').ready() there. In general though, you could just try coding the transclusion concept (I'm guessing you're used to this) from scratch using intervals and timeouts.
<div id="rdy">
Then in your file:
Just my added opinion, you should consider that Google is up to some not-so-nice things these days, they are long-gone from the "do no evil" mantra.
Solution 3:
If we assume you have a JavaScript file that contains this content:
function getInfo() {
var place = "foo"
then your markup will look something like this:
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="example.js"></script>
<p class="one"></p>
$(function(){ ... });
is just the simplified version of $(document).ready(function(){ ... });
. They both more or less handle the onload event, which fires when page has finished loading.
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